Changes You Need to Make to Your Hiring Process This Year

Deciding to open a photography business is usually done on a small scale. Every entrepreneur aims to grow their business in the future and add new employees. The process of hiring new employees is one Daniel Doyle of Pleasantville has experienced over the last few years. The process of hiring employees is a minefield for photographers and small business owners, with the importance of choosing the right people vital to future success, Business News Daily reports.

Daniel Doyle of Pleasantville

1. Build a Good Reputation

One of the ways the best employers retain their employees and attract new is by building their reputation. A solid reputation as a caring and innovative employer will lead to excellent word of mouth regarding the working conditions on offer. There are several ways an employer can get the message out about the work conditions at their company, including the use of social media platforms. Encouraging current employees to post to social media accounts about their own experiences working at a company will attract impressive candidates when a position becomes available.

2. Create an Accurate Job Description

Potential employees want to know the role they are interviewing for when they arrive for an interview. Daniel Doyle of Pleasantville begins the process of hiring a new employee by identifying the role and duties they will complete. The photographer explains he now provides a full job description for potential employees, instead of the vague idea of the role he would use when making his first hires. Giving a potential employee an overview of their duties avoids future problems.

3. How Will Interviews Take Place

The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic changed the process of hiring new employees, with video conferencing taking centerstage. The shift from face-to-face meetings to video calls is expected to remain in place for the next few years. In the coming years, video interviews will remain a staple of hiring new employees, Fast Company reports. A similar change will come in the areas candidates are drawn from. The problems caused by COVID-19 will include issues with travel requiring most companies to look to employ the best local candidates.

4. Creating a Long-Term Strategy

The decision to hire a new employee is usually made because of a short-term need a company has. Inc. reports all new employees should arrive with a plan for their future. An entrepreneur needs to have a long-term business plan that guides the decisions they make. Every time a business hires a new employee, the long-term business strategy of the company should be positively affected. A range of issues should be considered by an entrepreneur to make sure a new employee does not negatively affect their business plan.

5. Involve Staff Members

Allowing employees to play a role in the hiring of their new workmates is a popular option. Several major companies have begun to ask their employees for recommendations for new workers. Asking for recommendations comes with the promise of a reward for an employee recommending a job candidate. A reward takes several forms, including:

  • Extra vacation time
  • Gift cards
  • A prize

6. Select Candidates Carefully

As new candidates are sought for a job opening the number of applications will usually be high. Daniel Doyle of Pleasantville explains the first step is to review every application in detail to sort candidates into different groups. Doyle sorts his candidates into three groups, the first being the group he would like to interview as soon as possible. The second group is those he will interview if none of the first group meets his needs, and the third being those not a good fit for his business.

7. Move Quickly

The job market moves quickly and the post-pandemic world will see even faster movement. In the majority of cases, the best option is to contact any high-quality candidates quickly. If an entrepreneur fails to move quickly, they run the risk of losing a preferred candidate.

The future of a company is only as impressive as the employees it has on its payroll. By improving the process of hiring new employees, Daniel Doyle explains keeping in contact with candidates is vital. By offering interviews to the best candidates quickly, a business will fill their available position in a short time.

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