Managing Your Allergies at Work

When it comes to managing your allergies at work, you have some limitations to deal with. Chances are, you don’t get to choose exactly when and where you work. You might be in contact with the public, or working closely with people on your staff. This can present challenges! Dr. Summit Shah shares some tips to help you overcome these challenges and create a safe and enjoyable work environment that helps you thrive in your career.

1. Communication Is Key

Those that you work with will not know how to help you if you don’t first provide them with your needs. You can communicate by simply having a direct conversation, putting up a note, or sharing stories. Your co-workers will think twice about opening a package of peanuts around you once you share the story of your last anaphylactic reaction. Don’t be afraid to speak up. The other people in your environment who also have some unique needs will be glad that you opened up a dialogue.

2. Work With A Doctor To Come Up With A Plan

Work with a doctor to help you ensure your safety at work. You might not be able to control every aspect of your work-space. Your caregiver can help you make a plan regarding your allergy treatment options. Talk to your team about where and how to store your epi-pens and what medications you should be taking regularly or as needed. Dr. Summit Shah works with allergy patients on a regular basis. Find a specialist in your area and get some expert support. You don’t have to face this challenge alone!

3. Think Outside The Box

If you have been struggling to manage your allergies at work, you might feel a bit defeated. It is difficult to manage a food, chemical, or environmental allergy when so many factors about work are out of your hands. You might feel stuck in a situation with no way out except to let your work quality suffer.

If you have ever missed out on valuable company networking opportunities, or have trouble meeting with clients because of your allergies, you know how frustrating it can be.

A great question to use when you feel frustrated is this: What else is possible? Think about wild solutions in order to loosen up your frame of mind. Could you do some of your work from home? Request a new schedule? Meet with clients in a new setting? Think out-side of the box, and don’t settle for a sub-par career experience because of your allergies.

4. Make Clean Trendy

Keep your work environment clean in order to set an example for others. Encourage the cleaners to use a vacuum with a HEPA or small particle filter, or do this yourself (depending on where you work). Keep anti-bacterial wipes by your work station and wipe down surfaces and your hands often. In addition, educate your co-workers about the importance of keeping the space clean. You can highlight the fact that it is healthier for all people with any kind of allergy, and will cut down on germs that cause illness as well.

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